Edinburgh Photography

Photos of Fringes Past

A few years ago, I used to review and shoot shows at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Part of me misses those days, but now I am a little bit older, I’m not sure I could keep up the same pace I used to. Nevertheless, the Fringe did give me my love of circus, cabaret, alternative […]

Edinburgh Photography

Ghost signs of Edinburgh

Researching Edinburgh history for my Call of Cthulhu scenarios set in the city gives me a perfect opportunity to revisit my old ’Ghost Signs of Edinburgh’ photos (and look for more …)

Edinburgh Gaming Photography

Call of the Fringe

Little did these performers of Edinburgh Festival Fringes past know that one day these photos I took of them would end up being the inspiration for Call of Cthulhu scenario NPCs…

Edinburgh Folklore Gaming Photography

Edinburgh Lore

I am relishing viewing my hometown through the eyes of a Call of Cthulhu scenario designer. The city has legends, tales and stories everywhere you look, and it is a constant source of inspiration. Now that I am very much in the rhythm of creating scenarios, I am working on a side-project, a book of […]

Edinburgh Photography

Edinburgh Cthulhu inspiration

It’s everywhere you look. Well, everywhere I look at least.