First up, this is not a defence. Nor is it an attempt to convince anyone I’m right (or — even worse — that they are wrong). Instead it is a post that sets out the reasons I am (currently) using Midjourney to create visual assets for my tabletop roleplaying games. Isn’t it morally wrong? I […]
Category: Thoughts
Spooky Season musings #1

Over a decade ago, I used to be a freelance photographer, specialising in event photography. Back then (let’s face it, ever since I was old enough to form conscious thought…) I was still drawn to the dark side: the spooky, the odd, the quirky and the macabre. Now another Halloween season is upon us, and […]
Books That Made Me (Part 1)

I sometimes look at what I enjoy (and create) now, and think about the various things that inspired me back when I was a child. Whether it’s creepy Call of Cthulhu scenarios, mythic roleplaying in Runequest, writing magical realist dark fantasy fiction, or just enjoying the likes of Rings of Power and Sandman … all […]

Every year at this time, I always reassess what I’m doing creatively, reboot it, and start afresh. This was always prompted by the end of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, that month-long celebration of the arts and creativity in all its shapes and forms. This year, for various reasons, I’ve not gone to anything in the […]

I remember getting a teach yourself chess book for Christmas when I was a kid. It was filled with fantasy art illustrations of brave knights battling evil queens, rows of brave pawns holding the line against advancing bishops, and cowardly kings hiding behind the walls of their castles. It immediately appealed on at least three […]
Letting the spark go

And so yet again I find myself in the deepening shadows cast by the guttering candle of another year, wondering how strong the light of the next one will shine. I’m old now. Or older, at least. And with that age has come something that others (kind others) might refer to as wisdom, or something […]